A scientific performance comparison: Flex/Flash vs. JavaFX vs. Silverlight vs. JavaScript

I finally finished my diploma thesis I mentioned before about performance comparisons between Flex/Flash, JavaFX, Silverlight and various JavaScript engines. Why this analysis? During an internship at IBM Germany back in 2009, I had to develop a Visualizer based on Flex that heavily relied on its charting library API. Even on strong machines, it was […]

Flash Player 10.1 performance explosion

I am currently writing my diploma thesis at the University of Ulm on performance issues regarding Rich Internet Application technologies like Adobe Flash/Flex, JavaFX, Silverlight and various JavaScript solutions. (Update: It’s done! :-) ) I started back in December when I first noticed that Adobe’s Flash Player seriously has some performance issues. It always was […]

Forward- and back-button support in Silverlight

I noticed in the screencast below, that Silverlight seems to offer a great implicit way of supporting browser’s forward- and back-buttons. The basic idea is to modify the current url by adding or removing tags without forcing a page refresh. Example: In the video below, a basic Twitter client is being developed using Silverlight. The […]