How to post tweets via Twitter API with Vue.js and Framework7

This is episode 03 of my series “How to create a Twitter app with Vue.js, Framework7 and PhoneGap”.

In this screencast, I will explain how we use the Twitter API with the power of Codebird to post tweets.

Find the source code here:

Also, please let me know if you prefer multiple shorter videos (15-20 min) or one big screencast (60-90 min) in the future in the comments down below! Thanks :)

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5 thoughts on “How to post tweets via Twitter API with Vue.js and Framework7

  1. Can you please update your webpack template because most of the dependencies are outdated or changed like jade => pug.

  2. Hey Timo! Great tutorial! I am having trouble on logging in! After cleaning the localstorage, I am getting the error: “Invalid or expired token.”

    I tryed to change the key and secret, but still getting the same error. The was logging in ok in the step 2 video. But now I only get this error. I’ve done everything with your code.

    Any clue what might be happening?

    I am getting a Warn as well: [Vue warn]: “style” is a reserved attribute and cannot be used as component prop.

    I am using node 9.1.0

    Thanks a lot!!!

  3. @Gustavo Obviously if you clean localStorage, the token will be gone. That’s why you’re getting the errormessage.

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