It’s really simple, just use this function:
function isIphone5(){ function iOSVersion(){ var agent = window.navigator.userAgent, start = agent.indexOf( 'OS ' ); if( (agent.indexOf( 'iPhone' ) > -1) && start > -1) return window.Number( agent.substr( start + 3, 3 ).replace( '_', '.' ) ); else return 0; } return iOSVersion() >= 6 && window.devicePixelRatio >= 2 && screen.availHeight==548 ? true : false; }
Now simply call isIphone5()
which will return true if:
- The device is an iPhone
- and if iOS version is at least 6
- and if the device has a retina display
- and if the screen has a height of 548px
These conditions (currently) only apply to iPhone5.
If the user is not on iPhone5 the method will return false